Courses Secondary Levels 1 & 2

2025 Information

In 2025 we are pleased to offer Secondary Level 1, Secondary Level 2, Primary Level 1, Primary Level 2. Visit the Primary Courses page for information on Primary Level Courses.

Secondary Level 1 2025

12 Wednesday afternoons beginning 12 February 2025

Secondary Level 2 2025

8 Saturday mornings beginning 8 February 2025

*Please note: Level 1 and Level 2 are SEPARATE courses. You must complete level 1 before starting level 2.

About This Course:

This course offers a unique approach to professional development, providing participants with the opportunity to enhance skills and work actively with teaching concepts. A resource collection of age-appropriate cultural materials – songs and games – will be developed as part of the process.

This course is accredited by the KMEIA national body and upon passing, participants receive the appropriate credit towards the Australian Kodaly Certificate (AKC) in Music Education.

The courses are suited to secondary school specialist class music teachers. It is expected that the applicants for the course will have (or be completing) a degree/diploma or equivalent in music education and/or education. Applicants should have GOOD musical knowledge and music literacy skills.

Secondary Level 1 Information

Secondary Level 1 2025 Dates & Times

Wednesday 12, 19, 26 February

Wednesday 5, 12, 19, 26 March

Wednesday 2, 30 April

Wednesday 7, 14, 21 (exam) May

All sessions run 4.30 – 6.00pm.

Students must attend all contact hours, submit work by the due date and pass assessments in order to gain credit for an AKC course.

Hawthorn Library Meeting rooms: 584 Glenferrie Rd, Hawthorn VIC

To secure your place in the course, fees must be paid in advance. Payment must be received in full by Friday Jan 24 2025.

$500 Deposit due on enrolment to secure your place. This will be taken off the total of your course fees.

Total fees:

Kodály Australia Members $1300 + texts
Non-members $1400 + texts

Please see Course Payment Policy HERE.

Become a Kodály Australia member here.

Required texts:

*Smith, D. “Musicianship & Aural Training for the Secondary School” Level 1 Teacher Print + PDF Bundle $99.95
*Smith, D. “Music Language Online Course – Musicianship Module $39.95
**Klinger R. “A Guide to Lesson Planning in Kodály Setting $40.00

*Order online at or email Deb to bring copy to first class

**Available online at (hard copy) or digital download from

Remember to order your books early to ensure you have them by the first lecture.
Prices may fluctuate.

Ruth Friend

Ruth Friend is an experienced facilitator in training teachers in the Kodaly approach to teaching music. Currently teaching at the Australian Catholic University, she has broad teaching expertise from pre-school through secondary which encompasses music and movement, instrumental and choral programs.

Ruth passionately supports teachers and offers professional learning sessions to assist in maximising their teaching effectiveness. She is the co-author of the successful ‘Take Note Music’ books and interactive resources for the primary music classroom.

Please note that the course lecturer will not be handling course money or book money. Invoices and receipts are emailed from the office. There is a ‘no refund’ policy after the course commencement. Please note that books may not be given to participants until payment has been made. See Course Payment Policy HERE.

A course book will be distributed at your first session and other material as required throughout the course.
You will need some way to organise your handouts:

  • One marbig 3 or 5 subject spiral bound book with pockets for handouts
  • 2 large A4 folders with dividers (purchase after first session)
  • Pen/pencil/eraser
  • manuscript pad.

Time Commitment:
Enrolling in a Teacher Training Course is a big commitment on your part to improve your skills and to go “the extra mile” to learn a great deal more than is provided in much of the undergraduate teacher training in Australia. KMEIA understands this and will do our best to ensure that your course is rigorous, challenging and worthwhile. Course sessions will introduce you to new planning methods, repertoire, skills and concepts. The success you experience in these areas hinges on your willingness to put time aside outside scheduled classes to:

  • practise musicianship skills
  • revise course material
  • complete written homework tasks
  • memorise new repertoire
  • practice teaching your practicums (teaching segments)
  • reflect critically on your progress and set goals

The time needed to do this will vary for each person. Most participants find they need to spend an additional 2 – 3 hours per week on the tasks outlined above. Moreover, regular work for short periods of time is usually more effective than long concentrated bursts.

Assessment and Attendance:
Passing the course is not automatic, but is based on successfully completing all the course requirements. These will be outlined in the first session and throughout the course. You will receive ongoing assessment and feedback from your lecturer throughout the course. In addition you will need to complete several formal pieces of assessment which include regular teaching segments (practicums), an examination and written homework tasks.

Students must attend all contact hours and pass all assessment in order to gain credit for an AKC course. In the case of illness and extraordinary circumstances, students may apply for special consideration and extension at the discretion of the course provider.

Awards and Accreditation:

Participants who successfully complete all course requirements will receive a certificate from the Victorian branch of KMEIA. Additionally, this course is accredited through the KMEIA National Council and fulfils the requirements of the National Syllabus for the following units:

  • Secondary Pedagogy – Level 1   (15 hours)
  • Secondary Practicum – Level 1   (5 Hours)
  • Materials – Level 1  (5 hours)

The Australian Kodály Certificate of Music Education requires 180 hours of post graduate study in various prescribed units. Participants who successfully complete this course may count their work in the units above as credit towards this award.  More details about the national syllabus and Kodály teaching in general can be found on our website:

Secondary Level 2 Information

Secondary Level 2 2025 Dates & Times

Saturday 8, 22 Feb

Saturday 15,29 March

Saturday 17, 31 May

Saturday 14, 28 (exam) June

All sessions run 9.00am – 1.00pm

Students must attend all contact hours, submit work by the due date and pass assessments in order to gain credit for an AKC course.

Kew Library Meeting room: Corner Cotham Road & Civic Drive, Kew

To secure your place in the course, fees must be paid in advance. Payment must be received in full by Friday Jan 24 2025.

$500 Deposit due on enrolment to secure your place. This will be taken off the total of your course fees.

Total fees:

Kodály Australia Members $1300 + texts
Non-members $1400 + texts

Please see Course Payment Policy HERE.

Become a Kodály Australia member here.

Required texts:

*Smith, D. “Musicianship & Aural Training for the Secondary School” Level 1 Teacher Print + PDF Bundle $99.95
*Smith, D. “Musicianship & Aural Training for the Secondary School” Level 2 Teacher Print + PDF Bundle $99.95
*Smith, D. “Music Language Online Course – Musicianship Module $39.95
**Klinger R. “A Guide to Lesson Planning in Kodály Setting $40.00

*Order online at or email Deb to bring copy to first class

**Available online at (hard copy) or digital download from

Remember to order your books early to ensure you have them by the first lecture.
Prices may fluctuate.

Deborah Smith

Deborah is a respected authority on Kodály. She has held teaching positions in many schools, including Clayfield College (QLD), Head of Junior School Music at Scotch College and Director of Music at Lowther Hall and Ivanhoe Girls’ Grammar School. She is a highly sought-after presenter and her informative and entertaining style has always been well received. She is the author of “Musicianship & Aural Training for the Secondary School,” a comprehensive series of student workbooks, teacher manuals and CDs for the teaching of musicianship, theory and aural training for the secondary school.

Please note that the course lecturer will not be handling course money or book money. Invoices and receipts are emailed from the office. There is a ‘no refund’ policy after the course commencement. Please note that books may not be given to participants until payment has been made. See Course Payment Policy HERE.

A course book will be distributed at your first session and other material as required throughout the course.
You will need some way to organise your handouts:

  • One marbig 3 or 5 subject spiral bound book with pockets for handouts
  • 2 large A4 folders with dividers (purchase after first session)
  • Pen/pencil/eraser
  • manuscript pad.

Time Commitment:
Enrolling in a Teacher Training Course is a big commitment on your part to improve your skills and to go “the extra mile” to learn a great deal more than is provided in much of the undergraduate teacher training in Australia. KMEIA understands this and will do our best to ensure that your course is rigorous, challenging and worthwhile. Course sessions will introduce you to new planning methods, repertoire, skills and concepts. The success you experience in these areas hinges on your willingness to put time aside outside scheduled classes to:

  • practise musicianship skills
  • revise course material
  • complete written homework tasks
  • memorise new repertoire
  • practice teaching your practicums (teaching segments)
  • reflect critically on your progress and set goals

The time needed to do this will vary for each person. Most participants find they need to spend an additional 2 – 3 hours per week on the tasks outlined above. Moreover, regular work for short periods of time is usually more effective than long concentrated bursts.

Assessment and Attendance:
Passing the course is not automatic, but is based on successfully completing all the course requirements. These will be outlined in the first session and throughout the course. You will receive ongoing assessment and feedback from your lecturer throughout the course. In addition you will need to complete several formal pieces of assessment which include regular teaching segments (practicums), an examination and written homework tasks.

Students must attend all contact hours and pass all assessment in order to gain credit for an AKC course. In the case of illness and extraordinary circumstances, students may apply for special consideration and extension at the discretion of the course provider.

Awards and Accreditation:

Participants who successfully complete all course requirements will receive a certificate from the Victorian branch of KMEIA. Additionally, this course is accredited through the KMEIA National Council and fulfils the requirements of the National Syllabus for the following units:

  • Secondary Pedagogy – Level 1   (15 hours)
  • Secondary Practicum – Level 1   (5 Hours)
  • Materials – Level 1  (5 hours)

The Australian Kodály Certificate of Music Education requires 180 hours of post graduate study in various prescribed units. Participants who successfully complete this course may count their work in the units above as credit towards this award.  More details about the national syllabus and Kodály teaching in general can be found on our website:

Enquiries and Registration

0 + 7 = ?

Kodály Victoria Office

PO Box 5046
VIC 3149