
KMEIA Notes So Fa – June 2020

Dear Friends,
We trust that you and yours are doing well and that the return to face-to-face teaching is going as smoothly as possible. We are thankful for all that teachers and school staff are doing to keep students learning, and everyone safe during this difficult time. 

Below you will find information on:

  • Deanna Hoermann Scholarship Announced
  • National Conference News

Please pass on this email to any of your colleagues who may be interested in Kodály Australia or Kodály Vic news.

Again, we wish you all the best as you transition back to face-to-face teaching.

Warm regards,

Kodály Vic Administrator


We are thrilled to hear that two Victorian’s, Elizabeth O’Leary and Jenny Ferris have been awarded the Deanna Hoermann Scholarship by Kodály Australia. We extend our congratulations to Elizabeth and Jenny!

The Deanna Hoermann Scholarship honours the legacy of Dr Deanna Hoermann and her significant contribution to the Australian Kodály movement. The principal purpose of the Deanna Hoermann Scholarship is to support members studying Kodály-inspired practice and research abroad and returning to contribute to the continued growth of the Kodály Australia community. Read more about the scholarship and recipients here.

National Conference News

As you would be aware, this year’s Kodály National Conference “Sing Into Song” is being held in Canberra from 28 September to 01 October. For updates relating to the conference, please visit the conference website here

KMEIA Notes So Fa – March 2020

What a time we find ourselves in. We trust that you are all staying well and doing your best to support each other during the unfolding COVID-19 crisis. Please know we are thinking of all teachers and school staff and send you all our very best wishes.

In light of the current situation, we have postponed our courses and a number of workshops. All current course attendees have been contacted by the lecturers about plans moving forward.

Unfortunately, we have made the decision to cancel the previously advertised Winter Seminar. We do hope that Bori can come and visit again in the future.

The Foundations for Success – The Kodály Way workshop in Warrnambool has been postponed at this time. We will advise a new date when this information becomes available. Ticket holders will be contacted regarding their registration.

We encourage you to use our Facebook group (link) to reach out to each other and share online teaching resources, what is (or isn’t!) working for you or any great ideas that could help everyone.

Walter Bitner, ACDA member and ChoralNet blogger, reminds us to continue to make music in his latest post, Off the Podium: Making Music During the Pandemic:
“. . . Music is in large part a social art, and choral music in particular may be the most social form of musical expression. Being denied the opportunity to sing with others for the time being, it would be easy for many of us to simply stop making music at all. Listening to recordings is not a substitute for this. Set aside some time each day to simply make music – to do it. Ultimately, it doesn’t matter how – making music in some way every day will help you maintain equilibrium and preserve your lifeline.
Read more here

Stay healthy and keep singing,

Kodaly Vic